Reel Tables

Ever wanted a rustic looking table that should last a life time, well our hand selected Reels make stunning tables after we have knocked in the dozens of jointing nails and sanded out the worst battle scars and ply them full of natural tongue oil to make them come alive again.

Lots of companies knock these tables out, after a quick rub over, bang on a drop of varnish and screw on some cheap hair pin legs (purchased from a certain auction site), but can you dance on them like the ones we produce?

All our steel work is manufactured in house, made from either, very heavy flat section iron or 75mm x 25mm box section, bolted in place with huge galvanised coach bolt screws our legs are super strong and wont sink in the garden unless everyone try’s dancing on them at once..

We spend on average one working day just preparing a table top before allowing another two days for the several drenching’s of natural oil that wood loves bathing in, finishing off with the various height legs that are treated to a couple of coats of hot bees wax giving a lovely waxy protective feel.

We can apply all the above workings to a variety of size tables, from small to blooming massive.

Oh and don’t forget your lazy Susan for even more fun at the table, although we don’t recommend dancing on it..